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Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)

New York State Law requires RGH Realty #1, Inc. salespersons to uniformly apply the Standard Operating Procedure regarding prospective buyers:

  • Prospective buyers are not required to provide RGH Realty #1, Inc.’s salespersons identification to work with a   salesperson prior to making an offer on a property
  • Prospective buyers are not required to enter into an exclusive buyer representation agreement to work with a RGH Realty salesperson. However, a RGH Realty salesperson and a prospective buyer may mutually agree to enter into an exclusive buyer representation agreement.
  • It is not required for prospective buyers to provide proof of a mortgage pre-approval to work with a RGH Realty salesperson.
  • Sellers may create their own criteria when allowing prospective buyers to enter their homes or when reviewing offers.

RGH Realty #1, Inc. has copies of these Standardized Operating Procedures available to the public upon request.